FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Do you have any puppies available?
The answer is typically “not right now,” and as of March, 2025 we have no available puppies though welcomed a litter out of fully health tested and cleared parents right after the New Year arrived. We don’t breed on any type of a regular schedule and on top of that we breed not to get puppies to sell, but to actually keep and to show them. So it’s not until our new arrivals get a bit older that we get a sense of which, if any, will be best suited for wonderful pet homes.
Can you put me onto your waiting list?
We don’t maintain a wait list even if we’re anticipating a litter. We place our pups/dogs in the most suitable home based on their own individual personality rather than in the order an inquiry is received.
Why should I get my puppy from an AKC show exhibitor when I just want a nice house pet?
You want your pet to to look like and act like the Pembroke Corgi that’s described in the AKC breed standard. Because it’s Pembroke appearance and Pembroke personality that attracted you to the breed.
Just as with so much else in life long experience usually results in expertise. If your puppy comes from an experienced and successful AKC show exhibitor the odds of your pup having all the proper characteristics of a Pembroke Corgi are much higher. Keep in mind that anyone can say or be anything on the internet and so you’ll find plenty of websites with breeders claiming they’re long time show exhibitors even though nothing could be further from the truth. Because of this we strongly recommend you seek out a breeder who’s a PWCCA member or a member of a PWCCA affiliate club.
Should I get a male or a female?
The sex of your Corgi won’t be a factor in his/her ability to be your wonderful pet.
Temperament is temperament and so a well bred puppy with a solid temperament will just as likely be a male as a female. Males aren’t more dominant nor are females sweeter and gentler, and neither sex is more/less active or more prone to good/bad behavior. The wisest course is to decide upon the personality that’s most suitable for your lifestyle and then regardless of it’s sex acquire a puppy possessing that personality.
What about health testing? Is it really necessary to do all of that? Would a breeder ever intentionally breed a dog that wasn’t fully tested or that had failed a test?
Before you consider a pup from any breeder please carefully read our “puppies” page to get a better understanding of the health testing we feel is essential. Unfortunately yes, there really are breeders willing to breed untested/partially tested parents, or even to breed parent dogs that failed a test. Because of this your understanding of the testing that should be completed is very important.
When is your next litter going to arrive?
We’re happy to chat with you about what’s on the horizon if you’ll send a detailed and personal message. But our puppies aren’t born on a set schedule. We only breed a litter with the goal of getting a puppy out of it to keep and to show, and our litters are never bred to produce puppies to sell. Many casual breeders have litter after litter over the course of a year with the sole intention of selling all the puppies but since we don’t breed in that manner a Brookehaven litter might not be due for months.
Are there any young adults or adults available?
It’s rare that we’ll have an adult or an older puppy seeking a forever home although every now and then it happens. As of March, 2025 we don’t have either one and don’t know of a peer to refer you on to with one either.
Do you ever have merle puppies available?
We only have purebred Pembroke Corgis and the merle color doesn’t exist in the Pembroke breed.
In recent years unscrupulous money driven breeders have cross-bred Pems with merle Cardigan Corgis or sometimes with merle Aussies and then they’ve attempted to pass off the offspring or decedents as “purebred” Pembrokes. Any breeder that suggests a merle is “purebred Pembroke” is without any doubt a breeder you’ll want to to avoid. This applies equally to a breeder claiming they can provide “registration papers” on a merle because they’re either registration papers from a sham registry or they’re falsified. Yes, a merle colored Pembroke-like dog can be very pretty indeed. But it simply can’t and won’t be a purebred Pembroke Corgi.
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