Ch. Jeager Affair of the Heart, ROM
Nireno La Tache
OFA prelim Good, eyes OFA CAER certified normal, vWD clear/normal, DM carrier, BHT factored.
Mitch spent much of his adolescence recovering and rehabbing after a nasty injury. Hope for a show career was nearly abandoned more than once, but although it took months and months Mitch came through it all with flying colors. His very first time in the ring was at the Cascade Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club specialty #1, and it was very special indeed. Mitch was awarded WD out of the 12 to 18 class and on to Best of Winners. The next day at the CPWCC specialty #2 he was awarded RWD. What a way to start! Mitch will be back in the ring in 2025.
Mitch is a happy, willing boy with a sunny outlook on everything in life. He keeps everyone smiling.
*Mitch was bred by Lisa Halop Freer